Since 2000, we've been the address for all questions about obtaining a United States Green Card. We assist you with submitting your application, support you if you are selected as part of the DV Lottery Program and later on still stay on your side as your advisors.
Our wide ranges of services include:
Processing your application personally and individually.
Taking over all necessary formalities from submitting the application to the receipt of the GreenCard.
Guarantees for the timely submission of your application in the USA. Applications will be submitted electronically at no extra cost.
Send you a certificate of the entry of your application , which will assure you that you participate.
Notify you directly if you have won a DV program, thus guaranteeing your receipt of the documents even if you move (provided you let us know your new address). Your real address will not be revealed to the US authorities.
Keeps you informed about all follow-up programs regularly and automatically.
Translates and explain all documents for successful participants
Attend to you individually until your receipt of the Green Card and beyond.
Advises you by phone.
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